The Price of a Poor Decision
Have you ever insisted you could do something you really couldn’t (or shouldn’t) try on your own? I believe we all struggle with this – from aging parents who insist on driving long past the point of being able to do it safely to young whippersnappers who have something to prove.
I guess this decision of mine fell more into the ‘whippersnapper’ camp, although I think it had more to do with stubbornness and less to do with proving anything. But I digress. While filming ‘Thin Ice’, I had injured my knee the day before our main filming was to take place. I had been taken to the clinic and treated by a doctor who said he ‘didn’t want to see me again’.
The next day, we were preparing to film some ski footage. This is where I made my fateful choice. Not only was I going to go back on skis, I was going to do the hand-held camera shots. My reasoning went like this: ‘Well, I’m the best skier on the crew, so I’m the best choice.’ My reasoning DIDN’T include the part about my having hurt my knee the day before, and maybe one of the less expert crew skiers should handle it.
My cameraman also suggested he adjust my bindings to release easier – take it off the ‘expert’ notch. Of course I insisted I would be fine and that wasn’t necessary. And of course, I managed to wipe out, my bindings didn’t release and I blew out BOTH of my knees.
Had I used better judgment, I wouldn’t have had to face the wrath of the doctor who had warned me. I wouldn’t have to have had 5 operations. Or spend 4 months on crutches and two years in physical therapy. I wouldn’t have had to do a lot of things. But NOOOOOOO, I knew better. Or did I?
Sometimes the best decisions come from listening to those around you. Sometimes the best decision is the one to LISTEN to those close to you.